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Showing posts from November, 2013

Art work: Sketches by pencil

Hey guys, today I am going to post some of my art work that I have done in last few months. I am self taught artist and I have lot to learn and improve. Learning sure takes time and the result we get after all our hard work is all that matters. I hope you guys like it. I have also posted some of my work in You tube, please check it out. Here are the pics. Please enjoy... Map of Nepal : Using straw and chart board Krrish 3 Aamir Khan : Dhoom 3 Cristiano Ronaldo

Blazing Hearts

Hey guys, its been long time since I have posted. Today I am going to post the Naruto fanfiction that I have written. I have posted it in also you can check out at following link: Please remember my pen name is ak007. Today I am going to post all twelve chapters. Please enjoy reading... Blazing Hearts By Ashok Kumar Shrestha (ak007)  Disclaimer : The following story is purely fictional. The characters that I will be mentioning are of anime series "Naruto Shippuden" writer Masashi Kishimoto. Please note that I do not own the characters. This is my first fan fiction so, if I do any mistake regarding the grammar or plot please forgive me. I have tried to portray characters as they in the series, if I have failed to do so then I am truly sorry. I hope you will enjoy the story. Chapter 1: Rokudaime Hokage ? After the sacrifice of millions of men, billions of property , drenching rivers with blood, s